
Sunday, December 18, 2005

Here are the pictures, stop bugging me!!!!!!!

With all the dang partying I’ve been doing this week, I haven’t been able to keep up with the site. Sorry. Since the requests have been pouring in for pictures, I’m going to just post a few sets and skip the captions. I know this is truly heart breaking for some of you, but I promise you this, you have not seen the last of the captions.

On to the pictures.

1. The great birthday party I went to last week was for my good friend Angie. It was held at The Green Lantern, one of DC’s premiere Bear Clubs. If you don’t know what a Bear Club is, uh, don’t click on these links at work. Here.

2. My friend Christy’s birthday party. Back in July of this year. Ouch, yeah, it’s a little late. Here.


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